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Test your English with Cambridge

Test your English Level and practice for fun!  Explora tu nivel de Ingl茅s haciendo clic en el sitio web oficial de  donde puedes acceder a un FREE TEST . ahi encontraras 4 opciones: General English Test For Schools Test Business English Test Young Learners Test Este recurso sin duda te brindar谩 informaci贸n sobre tus habilidades ling眉铆sticas actuales, permiti茅ndote identificar tus puntos fuertes y 谩reas de mejora. Despu茅s de recibir tus resultados, podr谩s tomar acciones para mejorar a煤n m谩s tu habilidad en ingl茅s.  Te animamos a compartir tu experiencia en la secci贸n de comentarios a continuaci贸n. Cu茅ntame  si encontraste el GENERAL ENGLISH TEST f谩cil o desafiante. Adem谩s, Me interesar铆a saber si descubriste alguna palabra nueva en la prueba que no hab铆as visto antes. Tu opini贸n no solo te ayudar谩 a ti, sino que tambi茅n contribuir谩 al proceso de aprendizaje de otros en nuestra comunidad. ¡Buena suerte en tu prueba !

Inspiring Student Success Stories

Inspiring Student Success Stories

English With Marce will support you in each step of this amazing journey,  I (Marce) believe in the transformative power of language. My mission is to empower students from all corners of the globe to achieve their dreams of studying abroad in countries like the USA, Canada, Australia, Malta, and Dubai. Through online English learning, we have witnessed remarkable journeys of perseverance, determination, and success that have opened doors to international education and global opportunities.

馃帀 Hear from Our Achievers:

Testimonial 1 - Jessica, USA:

"Learning English online with "English with Marce" was the key to my American dream. As a Brazilian student, I faced many challenges, but the engaging lessons and personalized guidance I received transformed my language skills. Today, I'm pursuing my degree in Engineering in the United States, and it wouldn't have been possible without this incredible platform."

Testimonial 2 - Ahmed, Dubai:

"I'm from Egypt, and I had a dream of studying Business Administration in Dubai. The language barrier was my biggest hurdle, but "English with Marce became" my bridge to success. Their support and resources helped me achieve the English proficiency required for admission. Now, I'm thriving in the vibrant academic environment of Dubai."


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Worksheets to download

Worksheets to download Welcome to the "English with Marce" Worksheets Hub!  Here, both students and teachers can access an extensive collection of PDFs and audio resources to enhance their English skills, whether it is during leisure time or in a classroom setting.  You will discover a wealth of worksheets available for download, each complemented by program references and, where applicable. Visit the website and download the sheets here ! 

5 Phrasal Verbs to Use in the Classroom!

  5 Phrasal verbs que deberias usar en el salon de clase.  En esta publicaci贸n, exploraremos cinco phrasal verbs esenciales que todo professor y sus estudiantes deber铆an incorporar en su rutina de clase. "Be into" anima a los estudiantes a expresar sus intereses, mientras que "go over" ayuda a revisar conceptos importantes. "Copy out" ayuda a los estudiantes a mejorar su caligraf铆a y "hand out" facilita la distribuci贸n de materiales. Por 煤ltimo, "take up" anima a los estudiantes a comenzar un nuevo tema o actividad. ¡Mejora tu comunicaci贸n en el aula y haz que el aprendizaje sea atractivo con estos 煤tiles phrasal verbs!

Daily Practice Tips!

Daily Practice Tips! Discover practical and effective tips to make daily English practice a seamless part of your routine. From quick and easy exercises to immersive language learning strategies, we've got you covered. Whether you're a beginner looking to build a solid foundation or an advanced learner aiming to refine your skills, these tips will help you stay committed and make consistent progress in your English language journey. Don't miss out on the keys to daily English practice success!

15 Unique Birthday Wishes!

Celebrate in style: 15 Unique Birthday Wishes!  In this post  you will discover the magic of birthday wishes with 15  unusual English expressions that go beyond the usual 'Happy Birthday.'  If you are into explore the amusing advantages of mastering these diverse ways to wish someone on their special day take a look to this incredible options.  You survived one more year. Congrats!